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Imagen de la toma del antebrazo de un médico con bata blanca sujetando un estetoscopio azul y un casco amarillo de trabajador. Se muestra el logo de Alert Plus.

About us

We are a multidisciplinary company made up of various professionals with extensive experience in the world of occupational health.

We promote alertness in organizations, with the aim of achieving a safe work environment for people and their environment. For this we use state -of-the-art technology with international certification and scientific support that allows us to measure fatigue and implement various intervention programs to reduce it.

We are representatives of the technology used to carry out the Rigorous Psychosensotechnical exam in Chile.

Fatigue and drowsiness

We implement a comprehensive fatigue management program with state-of-the-art technology to control the alertness of workers, in alliance with universities and specialized national and international companies.

Psychosensometry tests

We have the leading technology with national and international certification to carry out rigorous psycho-technical evaluations in different areas of industrial activity.

Stress and life's quality

We implement Stress assessment and management programs in different work environments, using professional support and technological tools, within the framework of improving the quality of life of workers.

Research and development

We have a permanent research and development work associated with university centers specialized in areas of fatigue, stress, high performance and applied technology in various areas of work activities.

Fatigue and drowsiness

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    Fatigue is an imbalance between availability and energy requirements for the development of tasks.

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    It causes a higher frequency of incidents and accidents.

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    Its early detection is important to be able to control its effects.

Imagen de un trabajador con un overol de trabajo azul y un casco amarillo sobre su pierna izquierda. Se encuentra exhausto y sentado. Se frota los ojos con su mano derecha.

Psychosensometry tests

We ensure that psychosensometry exams meet the quality, excellence, reliability and precision requirements required to obtain optimal results. We have:


Vienna Test System

Gabinete Alert Plus

Stress and life's quality

Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to environmental pressures that can affect the quality of life both in the family and at work.

It includes impacts at different levels:

Imagen de una enfermera con uniforme azul en posición de meditación.

Research and development

We have a multidisciplinary team of professionals in constant research and development of new products that improve people's quality of life.

We have important alliances with national and international universities.

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Imagen de tres investigadores, una mujer y dos hombres, analizando elementos en un microscopio.

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